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¿Español es muy difícil?

Learning a second language is hard to begin with— but add on virtual learning, and you have a recipe for misunderstood concepts and missed connections! 

Our new Key2Spanish classes are just the thing that your child needs to master their new language. Whether they're in Spanish I, II, III, or higher (or lower!), this small-group class is the immersive experience that all young learners need to understand the language. 

Join Jasmine, a non-native speaker with over a decade of Spanish under her belt, who knows the pitfalls and difficulties of learning the language as well as the best way to avoid them!

4 weeks starting Wednesday, March 17 from 6:30-7:30 PM!

Class topics will be dictated by the needs of the students. Potential topics include: 

  • Conjugating tenses such as present, preterite, imperfect, future, etc.
  • Vocabulary
  • Telling time
  • Understanding ser vs. estar
  • Gender agreement
  • Commands
  • Direct and indirect object pronouns
  • Future and subjunctive as needed
  • Improving pronunciation and creating natural conversations. 
  • And more!

Ready to join us and learn the Key2Spanish? Register now!